Galundan Day Family Temple Ceremony

Galungan Day is the biggest holiday for Balinese Hindu in Bali where on this day the entire of Balinese Hindu commemorate the victory day of the Good (Dharma) against the Bad (Adharma). Every Balinese Hindu look so happy on this day because this day is very important for them to introspect them self  from the  bad things that they have done and the important thing that they can meet all the family member in the main house and family temple. The activities are look starting from  the early morning from the  temple house where they have to pray to the ancestor and the god to obtain the prosperity bless.

Like what the Roni Family did that in the morning time on Galungan Day, all the family member are meet together in the small family temple house to pray to the god and ancestors. According to the Balinese believe that the ancestors are coming down to the world to see all the family members although we can not seen them on the second layer. On this day, the Balinese Hindu own the obligation to pray to the ancestors in the family temple or houses which is called Bale Gede.

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About Kerta Sedana Transport

Roni Family adalah sebuah keluarga sederhana yang tinggal di sebuah desa di bagian barat pulau Bali dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari seperti keluarga orang Bali pada umumnya. Kami berharap semoga blog kami dapat memberikan informasi atau pencerahaan bagi siapa saja yang telah mengunjunginnya. Atas kunjungan anda kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih .
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  1. really good one and thanks for it.
