Kerta Gosa Klungkung, Bali Historical Site

Kerta Gosa is a historical site and heritage of Klungkung Empire strategically situated in the center of Semarapura Town, 45 minutes from Denpasar City taking east direction. Kerta Gosa is well featured by the old traditional building those are all designed based on Balinese architecture with beautiful ornaments from statues, interior and the famous of traditional painting decor all building ceiling. When we visit this site, we will discover the old traditional building which is still keep maintained up to now by local government and appointed as one of the interesting places to visit in Bali.

Kerta Gosa is formerly used as a court to judge the king subordinates of Klungkung Empire who violate the law or regulations. If we visit this sight, the old table and chairs are still available as the dead witness of this court. This place is very interesting and giving you much story about Klungkung Empire and the most spectacular story of human life described on old painting that you find on ceiling of each building.

We went to this place last time together with our family to look around and get much story from this sight and may be the next is you...

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About Kerta Sedana Transport

Roni Family adalah sebuah keluarga sederhana yang tinggal di sebuah desa di bagian barat pulau Bali dengan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari seperti keluarga orang Bali pada umumnya. Kami berharap semoga blog kami dapat memberikan informasi atau pencerahaan bagi siapa saja yang telah mengunjunginnya. Atas kunjungan anda kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih .
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